the particular, between the Renaissance period and the 19th century
a peculiar feeling of belonging started among the inhabitants
of this big district: the “trasteverino” spirit.
The most characteristic sign of this, is the proud statement made
by the district inhabitants saying that they never “passed
the bridge”, referring to the bridges connecting Trastevere
to the other bank of the river and then with the rest of the City.
Such difference with the rest of Romans was later on canonized
in the celebration called “Festa de’ Noantri”,
where the “us” (literally “noi”) is opposed
to “you” (literally “voi”) wich refers
to the other citizens. The celebration takes place each year at
the end of July.
At night, the lights of the very many restaurants and pubs liven
up the district and the narrow streets are full of Romans and
foreigners. It is very nice to discover the fascinating atmosphere
of Trastevere, from the narrow, dark alleys at times tortuous
to the noisy and colourful squares, surrounded by period buildings.